Lionel Messi – El drama de Argentina

Lionel Messi ha ganado todo lo que hay que ganar, excepto la Copa del Mundo. ¿Puede finalmente llevar a Argentina a ganarlo? Este video vuelve al principio y cuenta la historia completa de la carrera de Messi con Argentina de una manera dramática. Fue un camino difícil hasta su primer trofeo internacional, la Copa América 2021. Disfruta el video y compártelo 🙂 Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Lionel Messi, drama, Argentina, PSG, París Saint-Germain, FC Barcelona, ​​fútbol, resumen, goles, habilidades, CABRA, 2022 MagicalMessi – tan mágico como Messi

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43 comentarios en «Lionel Messi – El drama de Argentina»

  1. Hi is one of the world football king🤗🤗🤗me idole messi🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷my drem is this world cup head put of cup and right hend golden boot and left hend goldel ball best of luck meesi🇳🇵🇦🇷🇳🇵🇦🇷🇳🇵🇦🇷🇳🇵🇦🇷🇳🇵

  2. im sorry but its the shit mates in argetina…
    Germany rarely have players touching #1 but they play the book and they have a great avarage rating.
    Same shit for portugal and ronaldo… i mean they have many good players but not the consistency at very high level.
    Back at pele and maradonna time the avarage level was just not nearly as high so exceptional players could have such a great impact…
    Messi ist by the greatest of all time and its not even a question.

  3. I really want Argentina to win the 2022 world cup, even though they are not in best form and many other teams are in better position. This is the last chance for the Messi to show the world who he really is.

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