Brazil v Argentina | One of the Greatest Rivalries in World Football

Brazil look forward to a Copa America Semi Final at home to their old rivals Argentina and the greatest player in the world Lionel Messi.

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47 comentarios en «Brazil v Argentina | One of the Greatest Rivalries in World Football»

  1. Its funny because in general, the world doesnt give a fuck about us. But if Brazil and Argentina play against each other in a major competition, we have all the attention.

  2. The rivalry is so strong. When I was at world cup 2014 Belgium vs Argentina most of the hard core Belgium fans were Brazilians, they went all out painting their faces and bringing tridents to support the Belgium red devils

  3. Im brazillian and went to Argentina for a trip and met this hot girl, we were having a good time together but then we started play football on a foosball table… ???

  4. in football the only player we, Argentinians, really loved its Dinho. Nobody can hate him. If you dont like him you dont like football.

  5. Soy Argentino y amo a Ronaldinho, para mí lejos uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia. Ahora, lástima que existe Messi y contra eso no se puede hacer nada, les hace sombra a todos.
    Maradona y Messi, son los Zeus y Poseidón para la historia del fútbol.

  6. Es la rivalidad más linda. Afuera de la cancha nos queremos pero nos maltratamos, como buenos hermanos, con bronca pero con amor. Adentro de la cancha, es vida o muerte, para saber quién es el mejor en ese momento y lugar. Los Argentinos sabemos que los brasileños son los mejores, por eso los admiramos y respetamos (bueno, al llorón de Richarlyson no). Pero también sabemos que somos los únicos que estamos a su altura, su máximo rival, el que no importa la actualidad de cada uno, el partido es aparte, se para el tiempo. Puede ganar cualquiera. Ambos nos formamos en canchitas de tierra y piedra, con poco y nada, con sueños y mucho sufrimiento. Y de ahí sale el diferencial. Esto último aplica para todos los que vivimos en el sub desarrollo, pero Sudamérica tiene ese plus de talento natural para sumar al hambre de gloria.
    Rivales, no enemigos. Cómo hermanos.

  7. Richarlyson, um dos atacantes mais bosta que a seleção já teve. Jogou no FluminenC no Brasile e no EVERTON. E-VER-TON da Inglaterra. Tipo o Curitiba da Inglaterra e fica tirando onda de atacante top. Péssimo desportista. Vive desrespeitando adversários. Bruno Henrique, GabiGol, Pedro do meu Fla, são bem superiores a esse merda. Hermanos ! Saludos ! Não somos inimigos !!!!

  8. What a shame what has happened during our last clasico. Listent, apart from being sad for not watching another game, I want to condemn the behavior of the Brazilian authorities, which had taken the pandemic as a joke not so long ago, with horrible consequences for the Brazilian people and is now using football as propaganda.
    A big hug to the Brazilians suffering this pandemic…we will see each other on the pitch soon, vamos Argentina!

  9. Grandes selecionados com muitos craques e boas histórias pra contar.

    Devemos usar isso não como forma de criar desavenças mas sim como forma de nos unirmos em torno de uma cultura em comum, fora as outras tradições e costumes que compartilhamos (churrasco rs)

    Abraço aos nuestros hermanos sul americanos!


  10. I've seen so many ARG vs Bra or Bra vs ARG . they were awesome !!! I said WERE because now BOTH teams sux and sux good!!! Even with Arg ( Messi ) and Bra ( Neymar) have no change to beat an European power house in a FIFA WC TODAY. I watched both Euro and S.A tournaments this year. Seriously night and day. The South American games were terrible !! …Long are those days when My Dad and I saw : Maradona ,Pele, Falcao, Socrates, Kempes, Batistuta…

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